Monday, April 27, 2015

Survey Questions for Marketing Research

1. Are you Male Female___________
 *2. What is your age?
     20___-24__  25-30____
 *3. How often do you purchase perfume?
      Once every 3 months___ Twice a year Once a year____
 4. What is the most amount of money you are willing to pay for your perfume?
     $40__ $55__ $75 __$90.__
5-What factors do you look for when purchasing perfume?
 (Check all that apply) I do not use perfume._______
 Scent ___
 Price _____
Brand loyalty_____
6- Where do you shop for perfumes?_______________
7. What is your favorite flower smell?________________
8. Do you prefer a celebrity perfume over other brand? yes__ No___
9. What is your favorite color?__________
10. Are you concerned for the environment? yes____  No_________

Monday, April 13, 2015

My expectations on principles of marketing research class

According to the Small Business Encyclopedia, Market Research is: The process of gathering, analyzing and interpreting information about a market, about a product or service to be offered for sale in that market, and about the past, present and potential customers for the product or service; research into the characteristics, spending habits, location and needs of your business's target market, the industry as a whole, and the particular competitors you face .
Before I started school at the Art Institute of Las Vegas I just wanted to have my own business. I was not sure exactly what kind of business but I knew it had to be related to fashion. Well, I am happy I decided to attend school before I venture into the small business owner world, because I learned a lot about what it takes to run a business. Market research is a big component of any successful business.
"Market research is important for every business, and should not be just a one-off activity. Successful business conduct research on a continual basis to keep up with market trends and to maintain a competitive research is vital to understanding your target market and increasing sales"(
Since my goal after graduation is to become a business owner, I expect to learn more about market research and to take all these knowledge and integrate it into my business.